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Attendance, Behaviour & Uniform


It is very important that our pupils attend school all the time so that they do not miss any vital learning. The Attendance Policy can be found in the purple box below. 

Please click here to read our trust-wide attendance policy.



The Skegness Academy (in line with government directives) expects pupils to attend school for at least 97% of the time.  If your child is absent, you will be sent a text and will receive a phone call from the academy to offer support to get your child into school later in the day.  On the third day of absence, we will do a home visit which is part of our safeguarding procedures.  

National statistics tell us that:

  • Above 95% attendance – nearly all pupils achieve 5 or more 9-5 grades at GCSE
  • Below 95% attendance – most pupils fail to get 5 or more 9-5 grades at GCSE

The Education (Pupil Registration) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2013 have removed the reference to holidays during term time and now provide that a leave of absence during term time will only be granted where an application is made in advance to the school and the school considers that a leave of absence should be granted due to exceptional circumstances relating to that application.

What amounts to 'exceptional circumstances' is a matter of discretion for the Headteacher/Principal and should be judged on a case by case basis but it is unlikely to amount to an exceptional circumstance if it is merely claimed that a holiday abroad can only be afforded in term time or that a parent is unable to take leave during school holidays.

If your leave of absence has not been authorised by the Academy you may be issued with a Fixed Penalty Notice by the Local Authority. This could result in a fine of up to £120 per parent per child.

Parents have a responsibility for ensuring their child attends the Academy regularly and punctually. The Academy expects that all parents communicate with them, either in writing or by telephone, giving a reason:

  1. In advance of any planned absence.
  2. Immediately following any unplanned absence.
  3. During any absence expected to last more than three days.

Failure to comply with this requirement will mean that your child will have unauthorised absences on their attendance record and this could lead to a referral to the Education Welfare Service.

Holidays taken during examination time, or in the terms leading up to examinations, will not be authorised whatever the circumstances. The law states that parents do not have an automatic right to take their child out of school for holidays during term time.

Some absences which are considered unavoidable and may therefore be authorised by the Skegness Academy. We will only authorise absence due to illness if you have provided compelling evidence.  For example, GP appointment or photograph of prescription/medication.  Please remember that you are able to complete a form with our reception staff to enable your child to take non-prescription medication such as paracetamol at school.

Authorised absences include:

  • Pupil was attending a religious festival/ceremony with family
  • Pupil had a medical or dental appointment that could not be made out of school hours
  • Pupil was in hospital/having hospital treatment
  • Pupil was attending a funeral with family
  • Pupil was attending an interview for a job or place at college
  • Pupil was taking part in a public performance or examination

Some absences which are considered avoidable will be left unauthorised by the Skegness Academy. These include:

  • Trivial illness
  • Minding the house or waiting for workmen/deliveries etc
  • Packing or getting ready for a holiday or trip or collecting relatives from the airport/station
  • Being on holiday
  • Looking after brothers and sisters, including dropping them off at school or nursery
  • Looking after a sick relative
  • Helping with housework or family business
  • Being unhappy or not getting on with others at the Academy
  • Attending a concert or absences dur to birthday 'treats'

Please click here for more information on 'Good attendance means ...'


Within our academy, we take the business of pupil behaviour very seriously. Everyone should feel safe and be safe at the Skegness Academy.  We also want all students to make continual progress and achieve their full potential.  Therefore, it is essential that all students always follow the school's rules and expectations. 

Please click here to read our trust-wide behaviour and exclusions policy.

Please see the purple box below for the academy’s behaviour protocols, including details of how we apply rewards and sanctions.


Uniform can be ordered from Nationwide School Uniforms:

If you require financial support with uniform, please contact your child's year team

Please see the purple box below for the academy’s uniform policy.