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The Presentation Policy

Member of Staff Responsible: The Principal

All work done at the Skegness Academy is valued as important. Good presentation of work is therefore a priority for both staff and pupils.

Good presentation of work is important to encourage pupils to:

  1. Be proud of their achievements, by doing their best work and presenting it well
  2. Value every lesson
  3. Do their best quality work, in order to value their own learning
  4. Persevere with tasks until completed and aesthetically pleasing
  5. Respect the equipment they are given by using it with care

In planning and teaching, staff will have due regard for the following principles:

  1. Setting suitable learning challenges
  2. Setting interesting tasks
  3. Responding to pupils’ diverse learning needs
  4. Overcoming potential barriers to learning and assessment for individuals and groups of pupils.

Please see Appendix 1 for further details on presentation guidelines and the information checklist that can be found in pupil planners.

Roles and Responsibilities:
There is a shared responsibility for ensuring that care is taken in presentation throughout the Academy.

The role of the teacher, Learning Assistant and Learning Mentor is to:

  • Have high expectations of pupils’ work and the way it is presented
  • Where the LA/LM is scribing for the pupil they should model good presentation by following the rules
  • Regularly remind pupils of expectations for presentation and finishing off work
  • Monitor pupil work and provide time for completing it
  • Encourage pupils to edit their own work and provide strategies to help them present it properly
  • Be aware of the presentation of their own work and the quality of resources they use
  • Provide, where necessary, good quality equipment for pupils and explain how and when it is to be used.

The pupil’s responsibility is to:

  • Do their best work at all times and take pride in it
  • Complete work
  • Keep all books and work in a good condition with no scribbling or graffiti
  • Respect the work of others
  • Listen to and follow instructions for presenting work neatly
  • Be correctly equipped for every lesson

The parent/guardian’s responsibility is to:

  • Ensure homework is completed neatly
  • Ensure books are stored safely at home if required
  • Ensure their child has a suitably sized bag to avoid work being damaged in transit between the Academy and home
  • Ensure that their child is correctly equipped for school each day

Monitoring and Review:
All teaching staff will monitor the presentation and completion of work as part of their marking and assessment procedure.

Heads of Department monitor presentation standards across the department as part of their termly self-assessment.

The Senior Leadership Team will include monitoring of presentation as part of their scrutiny of pupil work.

Presentation will be commented on as part of any external reviews.

Link Governors/the Academy Advisory Council look at the presentation of pupils’ work as part of their monitoring visits and will discuss this with Heads of Department.

The Senior Leadership Team will review the policy, with all staff invited to comment. The results of this review will be taken to the Academy Advisory Council (AAC).

This policy is shared with all staff at the Skegness Academy. Copies of the Skegness Academy Presentation Checklist can be located in every classroom within the Academy.

Monitoring and Review:
This policy will be reviewed annually. 

Appendix 1

  • All work should have a date and a title, underlined with a ruler
  • All written work should be in blue or black pen
  • Handwriting should be as neat and legible as possible
  • All work should be valued and completed to the best of your ability
  • Drawing should be in pencil unless directed by your teacher
  • Mistakes should be crossed out neatly with a ruled single line
  • Any marked piece of work which is followed by a question should be responded to, or a reflection made regarding the work
  • All loose work should have your name and group written on the back of the work
  • There should be no graffiti either on or in your books

Pupil work presentation checklist

Have you used your ruler to:

  • Underline the title of your work
  • Underline the date
  • Cross out any mistakes with a single line

Have you:

  • Written as neatly as you can in blue or black pen
  • Completed the work to the best of your ability
  • Given a response to your teacher’s marking
  • Written your name and class on the back of loose work