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Textile Design

Textile Design embodies the most significant and historical methods, techniques and trades in human history and creativity. A high-quality Textile Design education should engage, inspire and challenge pupils, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to be experimental, to master and invent; creating their own textile fabrications, designs, and garments. As pupils progress, they should be able to think critically and develop a more rigorous understanding of Textile Design and wider reach into real world application. They should also know how Textile Design has influenced society throughout history and how it contributes to modern and contemporary culture, creativity and wealth of our nation. 

Textile Design has a significant contribution to make to students at Skegness Academy, whereby it can provide a range of life-skills, entrepreneurial applications and aspirations for future career paths.  Textile Design has multi-disciplinary functions including biology and medical applications.  It is this diverse and innovative approach that we aim to achieve with our students as they each progress onto careers in Textile Design.