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SKA welcomes MP and TeachFirst

The Skegness Academy was very proud to welcome national social enterprise, TeachFirst and local Member of Parliament (MP), Matt Warman for Boston and Skegness recently.

The group discussed the Academy’s expert views on education policy and had a chance to explore provision at the Academy first-hand with pupils and staff. 

The Academy maintains a strong professional relationship with TeachFirst as both share the same philosophy to make education work for every child in society and to remove any barriers in the education system.

The Skegness Academy currently has four members of staff on the TeachFirst teacher training programme, working towards gaining Qualified Teacher Status (QTS).  Two of the trainees met with Mr Warman and discussed the challenges faced by schools in Skegness and what it is like to train to teach.  They also discussed their favourite aspects of teaching as well as their biggest challenges and surprises they have faced as part of their journey to achieve QTS. Both trainees were highly complimentary of the support provided by the Academy, both from their mentors and the Senior Leadership Team. 

Mr Warman then met with a group of pupils currently studying at the Skegness Academy.  He met with three Sixth Form students, including Michelle, who recently took part in a social impact video promoting the importance of education and the power of teachers in shaping them as individuals and guiding them to achieve their future aspirations.  To view the video, click here - Because of You – Michelle’s Story - YouTube.  The pupils discussed the impact of COVID-19 on their education journeys and their next steps and how the Academy has supported them with their future career plans.

It was a great opportunity to welcome TeachFirst and Mr Warman to the Academy,celebrate a successful collaboration with TeachFirst and hold valuable discussions on the impact of education and role of the community in education with Mr Warman. 

Kimberley Albelda, Head of School, Skegness Academy, said:

'It was great to welcome TeachFirst and Matt Warman, MP for Boston and Skegness, to Skegness Academy to discuss the challenges schools face and also highlight all of our great successes as a team. Our staff and pupils loved the opportunity to share their views on school improvement with our visitors.'