Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities information at Skegness Academy
Welcome to our SEND page, providing you with information on the support we provide for students who have special educational needs or disabilities. At Skegness Academy, we value all children and work together to help them to achieve and develop their potential.
As a department, we aim to;
- Effectively identify and assess the needs of all children within the Academy
- Offer appropriate interventions to support the progress of all children
- Monitor and review all progress and attainment
- Communicate effectively and work with parents, as we believe they have an important role in supporting their child’s education and are able to identify when their children may need some extra support
- Always listen to the child and their views, as their happiness and success is paramount to everything we aim to do
- Ensure that every child matters and that they feel safe within the Academy and are happy on their learning journey
Should you wish to contact one of our team to discuss your child, then please use the following email addresses;
- Lorna Coates-Metheringham (SENCO) – lcoates-metherin@skegnessacademy.org
- Kerry Cussons (SEND Manager) – kcussons@skegnessacademy.org
The Local Offer
This is the council’s offer to parents and young children. It includes provisions that are both in and out of the Academy and will include support and services that are provided by private and voluntary sectors, as well as the council and the NHS.
Lincolnshire County Council’s local offer is aimed at providing better support and services for young people with SEND, and also for their families.
The Local Offer has been developed in close partnership with a wide range of service providers.
The aim of the Local Offer is;
- To improve outcomes for children and young people by making more information easily available to help make better choices.
- To enable children, young people and families to be informed and empowered to make choices.
- For you to be clearer about what is available and why, and what alternatives are available.
- To provide more effective signposting and get it right first time.
The Local Offer can be found at https://lincolnshire.fsd.org.uk/kb5/lincs/fsd/home.page
You can find the trust-wide SEND policy here
Last updated: 17 July 2024.