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We set high standards in all areas of school life. We work hard and try our best in each lesson, each day and each term to be the very best version of ourselves.


We speak and behave towards ourselves and other members of our community in a kind, pleasant and polite manner.

Personal Responsibility

We make good decisions about what we say and do and are accountable for our choices.


We notice and appreciate other people’s actions, the opportunities we are offered and the world in which we live.

Pupil Premium

The Skegness Academy strives to empower our pupils, enabling them to lead happy, successful and fulfilling lives.

We believe that the key to this is through understanding the child as an individual, identifying challenges and barriers quickly and accurately, and then using our Pupil Premium grant to support pupils to overcome these barriers, and is designed to empower pupils to be successful as both adults and academically. We consider pupils’ academic, pastoral, cultural and technological needs, as well as engendering a culture of high expectations and high aspirations (for both learners and staff). 

Our Pupil Premium Strategy is based upon the principles set out by the EEF; a tiered approach which begins in the classroom - with Quality First Teaching. The second tier is focused on targeted academic support and the third tier is about wider strategies which will improve pupils’ self-esteem and self-efficacy, thereby further reducing absence and improving outcomes. This three-year strategy is focused on embedding long-term, sustainable change and is responsive to both individual pupils’ needs (based on robust diagnostic assessment) but also more general strategies that benefit all pupils.

A key aspect of the strategy is to ensure that our high-quality, inclusive teaching focusses on improving all pupils’ literacy. We ensure that, as a part of our inclusive culture, all pupils (regardless of their starting points) have access to a broad and balanced curriculum, but one which prioritises improving reading for those pupils who require additional support.

This strategy is at the heart of our wider academy improvement planning, and is a key tool through which we continue to promote a culture of high expectations, and to empower disadvantaged pupils to have high expectations of themselves. Thus, we provide a thoughtfully designed series of cultural enrichment options, including clubs, the library, visits and trips, all of which complement our Personal Development programme, and curriculum in general.

The Skegness Academy is focused on supporting pupils to attend school every day, and we understand that it is through forming close home-school relationships, strong community links, and through removing barriers that we can support pupils and their families in reducing absence even further.

We will consider the challenges faced by vulnerable students, such as those who have a social worker and young carers. The activity we have outlined in this statement is also intended to support their needs, regardless of whether they are disadvantaged or not.

The Pupil Premium Statement below details the key challenges to achievement that we have identified amongst our disadvantaged pupils:

1. Literacy

2. Overall attainment

3. Absence and Persistence Absence (PA)

4. Wellbeing, emotional regulation and self-confidence

5. Cultural Capital and Enrichment.