Safeguarding is everyone’s business and it is among the most important things we do. If our pupils do not feel safe, they will not learn. The name of the academy’s Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) is Mrs C Pilkington-Smith. She can be contacted via the academy office.
You can find the trust-wide safeguarding policy here.
Our own safeguarding protocols can be found in the purple boxes below.
Sexual Abuse within Schools: Child on Child Abuse, Sexual Violence and Harassment and Harmful Sexual Behaviour:
Our position as a trust and within all our academies is clear: sexual violence and sexual harassment are never acceptable, will never be tolerated and are not an inevitable part of growing up. Such behaviour will never go unchallenged or become accepted, and we remain committed to working openly and transparently to promote mutual respect. We will always act on concerns raised
Our Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy has guidance within it around the indicators of child-on-child abuse and harmful sexual behaviour along with our response procedures.
All pupils are taught the Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) curriculum.
The Greenwood Academies Trust Safeguarding Policy can be found in the purple boxes below.
Click here for a link to statutory guidance on Prevent.
For local Safeguarding Arrangements please follow this link -
Early Help Lincolnshire:
Lincolnshire's Early Help Offer identifies the need for help for children and families as soon as problems start to emerge, or when there is a strong likelihood that problems will emerge in the future..
Children Missing Education:
The term children missing education (CME) refers to when a child of compulsory school age is missing from a school or is moving away. CME could also refer to children who do not have a school place, or where the local authority deems children of school age are not in suitable education.
If you need to contact the Safeguarding Team then please call Skegness Academy on 01754 879122 or email
If you feel a child is at significant risk, then please call 999 or Lincolnshire Childrens Services on 01522 782111.
Mrs C Pilkington-Smith
Designated Safeguarding Lead
Miss R Barker
Deputy Safeguarding & Mental Health Lead
Mrs J Limb
Education Welfare Officer
Family Key Workers
- Mr K Mulrainey
- Miss B Liversidge
Attendance Administrator: Mrs J Gray
Behaviour Administrator: Mrs G Marshall
Attendance Officer: Miss A Marshall