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We set high standards in all areas of school life. We work hard and try our best in each lesson, each day and each term to be the very best version of ourselves.


We speak and behave towards ourselves and other members of our community in a kind, pleasant and polite manner.

Personal Responsibility

We make good decisions about what we say and do and are accountable for our choices.


We notice and appreciate other people’s actions, the opportunities we are offered and the world in which we live.

Sixth Form Opportunities

Super Curriculum

The Super Curriculum takes the form of weekly timetabled classes by teachers and experts from outside school. By taking part in any of the Super Curriculum activities, students will gain valuable skills and confidence, along with transferable skills, which will help personal development and future employment or education.

Health and Fitness

There is evidence that physical activity and physical fitness can support with improved academic performance, but also student’s mental health and physical wellbeing. During this time there will a variety of sports and opportunities to take part in. Students will have the opportunity to work towards health and well-being, rather than competitive sport.

Surviving Cooking

Cooking is a life skill. Students will be learning a range of culinary skill, students will learn a variety of skill and techniques, along with meal planning and budgeting. This will help and prepare students for independent life after sixth form, moving into their own place, halls of residence or even a house share. They will be cooking a range of dishes, but also planning their own to present for the Sixth form cookbook.

Life Skills

This is about encouraging students to think about, discuss a range of topics to help and support them making choices in their life’s, mental health, friendship, what they what to achieve and how they can help themselves to ensure they have ambitions and aspirations for their future.

Career Talks

To ensure students are getting the support needed for their next steps, life after Sixth Form, there will be a dedicated focus on different careers, university information, apprenticeships, employers, and general support and guidance. There will be workshops that support with interview techniques, CV and personal statement writing, along with employability skills, presentational skills, inspirational talks from a variety of people to support in raising students’ ambition and aspirations for careers and their future. This will give students the insight needed to make informed choices about what career they what to pursue and ensure they make a good first impression.

Level 3 Certificate in Financial Studies

The Certificate in financial studies (CeFS) covers the core disciplines of financial education. Students are encouraged to become responsible borrowers and sensible savers, and to appreciate the need for financial planning throughout their life. CeFS develops the knowledge and skills required to make informed financial decisions by introducing students to the risks and challenges involved in personal finance and the tools for effective planning. Within this, it provides a solid basis for creating financial inclusion, by exploring social-economic trends and their relationship with an individual’s circumstances and attitudes.

Enrichment activities

We offer a range of enrichment activities which go beyond the curriculum

It is vital that you have a well-rounded experience while you study here at the Skegness Academy. Not only do we want to ensure you have an academic experience we also want to prepare you for your future by providing a range of opportunities to gain new experiences, develop life skills and pursue interests.

First Aid Skills

Certificated First Aid course is ideal for any students going into healthcare or the public or armed services.

National Pool Lifeguard Qualification (NPLQ)

NPLQ is not only a qualification that will train you to become a Pool Lifeguard but can also be a stepping-stone into a career within the leisure industry.

Fundraising and charity

The fundraising and charity team would lead the school in raising the profile of fundraising and charity: Practically - through organising charitable activities that either raise funds or raise awareness of a range if charities/organisations.

Community Champions

Students who wish to become volunteers to contribute to their own school community. There will be volunteering opportunities in schools, duties, support in specific areas to support with individual work experience, helping out in the library and with homework club. The list is endless for the community champions role.

Work Experience

In Year 12, students undertake a two-week period of work experience during the last two weeks of the school year. The work experience should reflect the career interests of the students. This is a compulsory part of the Year 12 curriculum as it is a significant experience which can form a vital part of the UCAS application or route into employment after sixth form.

University visits

Visits to university are the best way to see if university life is for you, is to get out there and experience for yourself.

KS3 mentoring

You might what to work with young people as a career? Gain some valuable experience for a university course, UCAS or to develop personal skills. You could just want to support a student that is having a difficult time, remember you once went through KS3.

Literacy Lead

Supporting students who are reluctant readers and boost their literacy skills and offer 1:1 support.

Inspirational speakers

You will have opportunities to meet and listen to people who can inspire and raise aspirations to be a better person, to strive and work hard and reflect on what is important in life.

Student Leadership

Be part of the Sixth Form leadership team. Do you want to be Head Student or maybe a Deputy or Assistant Student? Support at events and represent the academy as an ambassador.

Duke of Edinburgh

On the DofE programme, participants will develop the skills and attitudes they need to become more rounded, confident adults. These are qualities that colleges, universities and employers are attracted to.

Is there an activity that you would like to do, but it is not listed? Tell us about it so we can aim to support you.