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We set high standards in all areas of school life. We work hard and try our best in each lesson, each day and each term to be the very best version of ourselves.


We speak and behave towards ourselves and other members of our community in a kind, pleasant and polite manner.

Personal Responsibility

We make good decisions about what we say and do and are accountable for our choices.


We notice and appreciate other people’s actions, the opportunities we are offered and the world in which we live.

Health and Social Care

OCR Cambridge National Certificate in Health and Social Care - Key Stage 4

R032 - Principals of Care in Health & Social Care Settings

This unit is assessed by an exam. In this unit you will learn about the key topics that are important when caring for and protecting people in health and social care. Topics include:

  • Topic Area 1 The rights of service users in health and social care settings
  • Topic Area 2 Person-centred values
  • Topic Area 3 Effective communication in health and social care settings
  • Topic Area 4 Protecting service users and service providers in health and social care settings

R033 - Supporting Individuals Through Life Events

This unit is assessed by a Set Assignment. In this unit you will learn about growth and development through the life stages. You will also learn how to understand the needs of individuals who have been affected by life events and how to recommend support to meet their needs. Topics include:

  • Topic Area 1 Life stages
  • Topic Area 2 Impacts of life events
  • Topic Area 3 Sources of support

R034 - Creative & Therapeutic Activities

This unit is assessed by a Set Assignment. In this unit you will research therapies and learn about how they can benefit people. You will also learn about the benefits of creative activities and you will plan and deliver a creative activity to a group or individual. Topics include:

  • Topic Area 1 Therapies and their benefits
  • Topic Area 2 Creative activities and their benefits
  • Topic Area 3 Plan a creative activity for individuals or groups in a health or social care setting
  • Topic Area 4 Deliver a creative activity and evaluate your own performance

Cambridge Technical Extended Certificate in Health and Social Care - Key Stage 5

The Cambridge Technical in Health and Social Care uses direct experience to help students develop the underpinning knowledge as well as practical and personal skills required to work in this sector. They learn how to deliver person-centred care and support to meet the needs of a variety of service-users.

The first year:

  • Unit 1: Building positive relationships in health and social care - Introduction to the many different relationships within the health and social care sector. Along with the concept of the person-centred approach, this will support building relationship skills. 
  • Unit 2: Equality diversity and rights in health and social care - Understanding the implications of diversity on practice and the effects of discriminatory practice on individuals who require care and support and how legislation and national initiatives can support and promote anti-discriminatory practice. This is assessed through a written task of 1 hour 30 minutes.
  • Unit 3: Health safety and security in health and social care - Introduction to health, safety and security in health and social care. This is assessed through a written task of 1 hour 30 minutes. 

The second year:

  • Unit 4: Anatomy and physiology for health and social care. - Introduction to the basic structure and functions of the body systems involved in everyday activities and maintenance of health, including cardiovascular, respiratory, and digestive systems. This is assessed through a written task of 2 hours.
  • Unit 10: Nutrition and health - Introduction to nutritional health and the components of good nutrition. 
  • Unit 13: Sexual health, reproduction, and early developmental stages. - Health and wellbeing are of vital importance even before you are born.

Click here for information on the Level 2 Cambridge Technical Certificate in Health & Social Care (post 16)